Photos 1999-2003 > VT Year 2

The second year. It didn't seem like such a huge deal moving into Blacksburg this time around, possibly due to my new digs at the Wesley Foundation. Living off-campus provided a new twist to the college experience, but at least there were no shortages of good times and good photo ops. The year itself was historical and, at times, painful and stressful... but old and new friends, new places, and new classes helped to keep things going.

As always, if you hover your mouse over the picture, you'll get an attempt at a clever caption.

That's a good question, but for me, it meant lots of cool things happening. From the very first day of move-in at the Wesley Foundation to the beginnings of classes that were in my major, to meeting some new freshmen that started hanging around Wesley, it was mostly all good. (Minus the computer crash and some other random stuff...)
The first Friday night activity: a luau!  And we're all in fine form. Well, if I'm the only guy in a picture with cute girls, naturally I'm going to put it up here!  Here I am with Randi, Frannie, and Jen. Here's me and Tom during the first Sunday night program, involving running around Blacksburg... That Jeremy's quite a kisser... WOO!  It's some of da Wesley guys... Bands: looking for an album cover?  Here's a winner.
Yep, that's Otey. During the Fall Retreat, Jen showed off her toe socks.  Toe socks, I think, are creepy. It's another circle picture!  Everyone loves those! Jen, Ben, and I are scraping some wax off the floor here.  Darn candles... It's just another... the lobby. They got to poor Matt before I could stop them.  Ok, I helped, too; so sue me.
Another jam in the lobby with Gerritt and me!  We love an audience. Here we are with the SUPER STACK (TM). We went to see Jimmy Buffett!  That was a lot of fun, minus the run-in with the scalpers and the cops... Here's me and Tom at his birthday party. Did I tell you about the time I took up bartending?
Much later in the semester, I did a skit where I danced with my bass. One of the fall traditions was watching Monday Night Football at PK's, where Katie works. ...and here, Tom is showing off fine wing-eating form, with his safety goggles.
  All right, so we ALMOST had them. They were scared, too. We all knew that this was going to be our biggest football game of the season, and we were all definitely pumped to be there. The crowd was simply amazing that afternoon, and I'll always remember how we caught the eventual national champions with their pants down and nearly defeated them.  We had pretty good seats, too, so I got some great pics.

For MORE of us and Hokie football action, check out Gerritt's page for our Gator Bowl Trip Journal (all of my pics from it are on there, too.)

One of the finest traditions before Hokie football games: tailgating in the stadium lot.  Jen's parents were kind enough to feed us, too. :) Here's our hungry tailgating group before the game began. I like this picture because it's kinda funny. Tom and Katie are going to try out to be poster-people for Sprite pretty soon. A shameless product placement plug as Ben drinks...  Awwww... it's the roomies, Jen and Katie. When the game started, Lane Stadium was PACKED.
...and the Hokies take the field! This was the first field goal of the game... ...which put US in the lead! A standard football pic. We even made touchdowns... ...which made Jen happy. :) The Hokie Bird is always fun to watch!
Regardless of what happened, we were enjoying ourselves! Here's KJ going down the sideline for some yardage. The Hokie Bird's post-touchdown schtick. Yep, we do have cheerleaders, too. You can't get much closer, boys and girls... ...and this two-point conversion was our last chance to win.  (We didn't complete it. Boo.)
It's pretty much official: spring semesters are great. Once you get out of the doldrums of winter, it's hard telling what will happen! Usually it's good stuff, and Spring 2002 was no different. It's all conveniently located right here! See if you can find the following hidden in the pictures below: Midwinters 2002, Zack's and Nic's birthday party, a pickup truck that says "far muse," Burruss, walking around campus, a John Mayer concert, Gerritt's birthday party, a road trip to DC, eating at Joe's and Souvlaki's, El Newque, an awesome sunset, scenes from a Wal-Mart parking lot, and a Cascades Park hike. If you can, you get a prize! Wow!

The Wesley Singers headed south once more in 2002, going as far as the metropolis of Hot-lanta for our free day. Great songs, work projects, lots of food, a new chartered bus, downtown Atlanta, and a ghetto Super 8 motel were all memories to be shared. Wesley Weekend, the grand finale in April back in Blacksburg, brought another fine performance and... guys in girls' clothes dancing to Britney Spears. The year was capped off quite nicely!

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(This background is courtesy of the Virginia Tech website, and all VT-related logos are owned exclusively by the university.  This is NOT, in any way, an official Virginia Tech page.  I am not allowed to use any of the university's logos for the purpose of a snazzy headline logo for this page. Sorry, folks!)