Photos 1999-2003 > VT Year 1

After graduation, it was only a few short months before I packed up, made my final rounds, and headed to Blacksburg, Virginia to begin my college career. Photography took a back seat to schoolwork, naturally, but there were still several moments that I caught on film. New friends, new surroundings, new experiences... welcome to a peek inside college life, boys and girls! Enjoy the misadventures of me, my roommate Zack, and the rest of my group of friends at Virginia Tech as we began our quest to take over the world!
Zack had the foresight of getting a webcam with his computer, and we found that taking goofy pictures with it was an awesome way to waste time.
Zack luuuuuuuuuuuvs his Hokie bear! One thing that starts to come out as a person goes to college is their super powers: mine is to move so fast that I become a blur!  Wow! This is one of my early attempts at using Zack's webcam. Look at the piggie!  He's one of our top ten animals. I sorta got the webcam working, but it made me look quite pale. Zack's secret power stemmed from his oatmeal. This is just disgusting ... Our room tilted a lot; it was quite odd. In March, during my various illnesses, I began to grow a beard!  I kept it until Jess made me shave it.
Zack's girlfriend made our piggie. We also had a rat who didn't like having his picture taken. Need a quick, refreshing drink?  Grab a Chubby Cola! Here, Zack demonstrates the true work ethic and efficiency of a college student. My other secret power that developed in college was the desire to be a monkey! Here's another monkey picture, but what's up with my eyes? Two great minds at work...
The title pretty much says it all: these are the rest of the pictures taken over the fall 2000 semester. It's a mixed bag.
One of my first memories of the VT campus is this bush, seen from Southgate Drive. Gerritt showed his true hairstyle during one of our longer jam sessions. Zack normally plays bass, but due to a finger injury, he was moved to percussion. Nic shares acoustic duties with Gerritt.  Zack's foot usually doesn't play anything. The angle on this picture is pretty nice, I think. Jason and I occasionally head down to the Wesley Foundation for a quick game of pool. Brandon lives next door to us, and he likes having his picture taken. Here's Jen, who likes to hear us play, because we're good... really.
 Here's Jim, I mean, Jason during Halloween.  This is a little taste of what college (and Halloween) can do to a guy.  You know me and those funky-angled shots.  The camera was between my feet for this one.  I like to catch people unawares.  I am Supreme Dictator-for-Life of my few square feet. Okay, guys, you can let me out now!!! Hey, everybody!  Gerritt brought the pizza! Here's Jess, me, and her dog Bowetta hanging out at her house around New Year's.
The spring semester, with its infamous Spring Break and warmer weather, would have probably surpassed the fall semester in fun if not for me getting a slew of crazy viruses. Despite that, there were plenty of good times to be had, and I left the year with a warm, fuzzy feeling. Didn't you?
 My family came in for my b-day and threw a little party in their hotel.  I'm opening one of my niece's presents (a pizza table). Here's Nic, Jason, and me pretending like we're enjoying my birthday bash at Backstreet's.  (We really were, if you must know.)  Here's Stephen, an unidentified extra, and Jason at my Backstreet's birthday bash.  A Dr. Pepper bong, anyone?  Jen is trying her best.  This picture's just weird.  Gerritt's face, Jason's butt, and my hand.  Uhhh... that didn't come out right.  After Backstreet's, we went to G's room for a big Super Bowl cookie. ... unfortunately, they put re-lighting candles on it which filled the room with smoke and nearly set off the fire alarms! Oooooweeeee, we are stylin'!  I guess.
 Jason and I, posing before the Midwinter's Dance. With expressions like this, no wonder we're caged up, lol...  Poor Jason...  Here's my date Jess and me at the dance!  We had a blast.  One weekend, when some of Zack's friends visited, we decided to play some mud volleyball.... with a soccer ball.... in the cold rain.  It was fun!!  To look at the fire sign is to laugh.... Here I am screwing some stuff together for my group's big Engineering Project of the spring: an egg launcher. Tom, Amanda, and me working on the first version of our launcher.
 Our first version (not shown on the site) sucked, so we refitted it to this model.  It was goooooooooood. Our egg container went about 85-90 Tom-steps on our first trial.  ...and our egg survived!  Popcorn is good stuff.  Our egg also survived on competition day, after being launched a respectable 83 (or was it 93?) feet.  Me, Amanda, Anne, and Tom with our launcher.  A final look at our room 2070 in Pritchard... ... what a room, what a room. It just makes you wanna say "Awwwww..."
 Yes, indeed. Ladies and gentlemen, the Wesley Foundation's class of 2004.  Volleyball master Stephen, showing off his game...  I guess you just have to know 'em....  Wesley's newest publicity committee... Kent and Otey!  They look ready for anything.  I'm not sure what, but SOMETHIN' funny happened! As part of the publicity committee, it's Kent's job to provide a good image of the Wesley Foundation. Now that's what I call a straight face.    *ba-doom-boom*
   Here Gerritt demonstrates proper poker face form.  Here I'm unravelling the mysteries of the jungle.  So we took a little time off during move-out to be goofy; who can blame us?  
Spring Break is one of the highlights of the second semester. I spent mine on tour with the Wesley Singers; it was an incredible experience. Although I ended up falling to mono late in the week, it started off great and I still had a good time touring the south. These pictures are just a few highlights out of hundreds taken.
There were many dinner tables similar to this one on our tour... after all, food was our reward for singing. :) Otey, Steve, Gerritt, and I "borrowed" some things from a host church's storage room. While touring Charleston, SC, our group ran across the Hershey Kissmobile! So many faces.... Ya need a little relief after a long day of walking. Otey's hanging out on the back of our big green bus. Stephen, Kurt, and I are checking out the view up there. G had a stint as Vanilla Ice during our Coffee House show.
     One thing that got us through our tour alive was... NAKED BALL!  After the show, the band traditionally got together and did a postlude jam. G, me, and Rob in the middle of said jam.      

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(This background is courtesy of the Virginia Tech website, and all VT-related logos are owned exclusively by the university. This is NOT, in any way, an official Virginia Tech page. I am not allowed to use any of the university's logos for the purpose of a snazzy headline logo for this page. Sorry, folks!)