Photos 1999-2003 > Last Days of School 2000
A camera certainly came in handy during those last few, emotional days of school. Our class grew to be pretty close over our four years at Tolsia, and we all enjoyed those last few trips down the hallways and into the classrooms. This gallery is home to all those pictures I have of the various inductions, get-togethers, and general goofing off that were the last days of our school year. Hold the mouse over a thumbnail for the caption, and click for the big version!
  Here's the catalogue of the basic zaniness during the school days. Not all of these are in any kind of order, naturally, but you can certainly get the idea. Think of this as one big day-in-the-life at Tolsia. :-)
Here's a nice picture of my web page class, which taught me everything I needed to know to make this one! We had a couple of slow days in Trig, so we decided to take this picture. In Advanced Chem, we not only tackled the world of chemistry, but we also had many long, deep philosophical conversations.  :-P Here's Shawn, Amanda, Tiff, and Heather having one of those deep conversations. Sometimes my cousin Tiff and I would just stop and stare out the window, seeing what we could see. Here's Joe and me in one of our spontaneously goofy moods. Courtney and Lacy walking back from the Barn... for the last time? It's Mary and Smiley, just hanging out in the hallway at break. Amanda should know never to leave a camera lying around Alicia and me! This is a great pic of part of the hallway lunch group.
Cassie, Meg, and Misty caught me in the hallway and wanted their picture taken. :-) Apparently Mary, Lisa, Amanda, and Rowe are looking at something very interesting... Here I'm goofing off in the Distance Learning Room with Heather and Jessica. It's Blake and me, buddies and next door neighbors for years! Me and my good buddy, Lacy.  Don't let it ever be said that Smiley never worked in Cisco class! Hmm.. were YOU at Mary's signing, too? Alesha, me, Sean, Lacy, Mary, Courtney, and Smiley are hangin' out under the satellite/umbrella. Come rain, shine, snow, sleet, hail, or nuclear disaster, there will be people at the Barn smoking. The Rebel Barn, home of good food and a great place to hang out during lunch.
Smiley, Sean, Alesha, Courtney, and Lacy again, posing at the Barn! This picture just seems so LONELY!

  On the surface, it seemed like just your average run-of-the-mill induction of new members... but then I gave my speech and everyone started crying. (I swear I didn't mean to make it sad, guys!) It turned out for the best, though, because we all got sentimental and remembered the good ol' days.
Even after I made her cry, Lacy still loved me.  :-) Here we've got Bethany, Lacy, Mary, Chanda, Blake, Chris, Jay, and me. Here's a group of young gentlemen...Blake, Chris, Jay, and me. Here's Beth and Lisa, two of my buddies that I've known for years! This was the big, definitive group shot of the night. It's not a bad position to be in, having a girl on each arm. lol

  I would say that this induction went slightly normally, and it did... except for one small incident.  Four words: The Beta Club Song.
Joe and I were President and Vice-President this year.. we got to do cool stuff.  Alicia and I actually did take a picture together that was normal. :-) Here's me and one of my best friends, Amanda.  Yep, she's a ball player! Here's me and another good buddy, Jason. (Some call him Gump.  Long story.)

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