Photos 1999-2003 > King's Island Trips
For my last two years of high school, some club or another sponsored a trip to Paramount's King's Island in Cincinnati. Both years were great times, filled with a lot of great memories, and I won't soon forget them. Everyone who was in our group can say the same, I bet. Hold your mouse over each image for a for the full size, and enjoy one of my very first online galleries.

We were juniors, and in my case, I'd never ridden anything larger than the Spider. A storm at first threatened us, but it ended up being a blessing because it cleared the park, leaving us to roam free!
The Drop Zone... riding it justified our entire reason for being, and after it, everything else seemed easy. I didn't get a picture of me and Smiley riding the Drop Zone, but here's one of Lacy, Josh, Daniel, and Blake.  See Lacy's reaction? Smiley and I were partners throughout the day.  We were both in the same boat in that we hadn't ever been on the big stuff. Here's our group, minus Mary and Smiley (I don't know where they were).  It's me, Alan, Alesha, Joe, Blake, and Lacy. Alesha, Josh, and Jessica had the courage to get on this contraption... ...and let it sling them through the air. The day got hot, so us guys strolled along to the log flume.  This is when we were coming back... ...and we got really... well, soaked. It's nearing the end of the day, but Joe's happy anyway. I guess this was the end.

  What better way to wrap up our senior year with a return to King's Island? We tried to recreate the magic, and we did, mostly. It was a lot hotter this go-round, and there were technical difficulties. We still had a blast, though!
Here's the 2000 crew, minus me and Joe; there's Smiley, Sean, Lacy, Mary, and Alan. Joe and Alan, the future college roommates, striking poses sometime during the day. I don't care what you say, Lacy's NOT short. Joe and Smiley playing a round of Hydro Thunder when we stopped in the Arcade to cool off. It got VERY hot waiting in some of the lines. Look familiar?  Lacy, Smiley, and I got bored waiting in line for something. Did I mention it got hot? We stopped a while to chill. Here's Smiley and I cuttin' loose.  I like this pic; it just looks like we're part of a metal rap band. Here's Joe and one of his buddies, Crystal.
Shawn and Lisa are standing around as the day winds down.  I don't know what Shawn's looking at. This group of five braved 2 1/2 hours in line to ride the Son of Beast, our new goal. Here we have Annie on the bus at the end of a long day. Joe ended up riding the other bus, but we got a picture of him before we pulled out. We're back on the bus at the end of a long day, and Alan sure shows it.

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