Photos 1999-2003 > Homecoming '99

Tolsia Homecoming Weeks are (or should be) legendary. It's amazing how many people get into the spirit and friendly competition of each of the dress-up days as well as the helpful community projects, such as the food drive, that the school sponsors each year. You can read more about the Homecoming competitions and point system on Tolsia's website, but my galleries here depict, I think, a good idea of the atmosphere throughout the whole school during that week. It's one of the things I'll miss about high school.  Please be patient and wait for the page to load; it's a good one!  
Get Up And Go Day. What a day! It suited Monday perfectly, because none of us actually had to do anything to get ready. Technically. I left my hair exactly as it was when I got up, but I'm sorry to say that I didn't wear those PJ's the night before.
  Here's my Monday get-up.  People said I was either an old man or Hugh Hefner, but is there much difference? This was one of the first pictures taken Monday morning, 'cause we all looked so darn cute. If this is what Blake looks like as soon as he gets out of bed, he may have problems.  It IS funny, though. :) Our whole English 101 class got into the act, revealing the Homecoming craziness to our counterparts at Spring Valley. It was a perfect time for a photo-op in Chemistry class.  
50's, 60's, and 70's Day was quite possibly the peak day for participation! Everybody got into the act, even a few freshmen.  It was almost like going back to the good ol' days of peace, love, and well.... other stuff, but we won't go there.
You can tell that even I had a hard time keeping a straight face with this getup! Here's Blake and some other 70's cats on display at lunchtime. Stuart, Thomas, Lee, and me decided to do a take-off of the Abbey Road album cover. It's Blake and Josh . . . and well, just think of something funny to say here. Peace, baby!
The 101 class looked like a slice o' American history, from the 50's to the 70's. Just your typical lunchtime at Tolsia. Again, just your typical lunchtime at Tolsia, with Jay and Chris. J.D. took some time out from Frisbee to eat some lunch! Joe looks a little tired . . . pimpin' ain't easy.
Lacy seemed to fit in naturally during 70's day. :) Sure, Smiley didn't dress up, but we forgave him. Stuart said we look like his dad and uncle at our age in this picture. Yes, it's Stuart! As you can see, the teachers got into the act, as well.
Biker, Punk, and Nerd Day made for an interesting combination of costumes. Beside the guys and girls decked out in leather, green hair, and lots of metal jewelry, you had all the groups of nerds with taped glasses and hiked up pants. I think if anyone was visiting the school that day, they'd be... fascinated.
*grunt* Leather . . . Quite a few nerdy girls came out of the woodwork Wednesday. Here's a sample of some of the nerdy guys that showed up Wednesday. Joe and Sean make good nerds!  (This was before I busted them up at lunchtime.  I'm mean like that.) Mr. Varney had a stockpile of nerdish accessories in his jacket! Here's Sean again and Amanda in her biker babe outfit.
We threw a lot of categories together here, making Thursday Hero, TV, and Fairytale Day.  Sure, there was a huge assortment of costumes, but that only added to the general craziness.  I decided that my hero was Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, so I did my best in recreating all the tattoos and such.  And oh yeah, I had blue hair. :-)
Have you ever seen the video to "Around The World?" Who knew that Flea and Chad Taylor would show up to help practice for the Homecoming game? I put on a little show at lunchtime, for the kids.  My hair looked awesome under the black light; it unfortunately didn't show up too well here.
By the time Friday rolled around, you'd think that everyone would be tired, but Orange And Blue Day was just as hectic as any of the others.  This was the day for powder puff football games, pep rallies, and the determination of the reigning class, which just happened to be us, the seniors.  *cough cough, wink wink...*  
The pose is almost as goofy as my outfit. The Senior Girls take the field during the Powder Puff games!
One of the greatest success stories of the week was our senior wall.  In a matter of practically one evening, it went from a bare piece of shiny blue paper to one of the best darn senior walls I've ever seen.  Of course, look who was behind it: one of the best darn senior classes I've seen. ;-)
Nothing can stop me, Joe, and Lacy from having a good time! The wall Wednesday night.  Pretty bare... ..but not to worry, we're on top of things. This was the group that worked until the final hour, literally. The picture doesn't do the wall justice, but at least you get the idea.  We won!
What better way to wrap up homecoming week than with a great dance?  It may not have been as big or as dressy as prom, but it served to cap off an exciting and hilarious homecoming week.
Josh got in on the dancing, too; who can blame him? Jen, Darrell, Amanda, and me posing for the photo op. My buddy Daniel and me. Just a couple of Salmons guys, nothing to worry about. :) I may LOOK really tall . . . Another pair of Salmons guys . . . except one's a Sammons . . . aw, never mind. Alan on a break from being a dancin' fool.
We bad. Even though I'm not related to the rest of them, it seems like the four of us have been through it all! Here's me and Lacy toward the end of the night. Matt, Shawn, and me.  We were part of the group that always sat together at ball games...and got rowdy. ;-) A wise man once said to me: "If there's a group of girls posing for a picture, and you have a camera, then by golly take the picture!" We all barely fit in front of the senior wall . . . ...but here's the other half of us.
Not to be undone, a bunch of us guys got together for a group shot. Smiley came to the dance! You never know what's gonna happen when Smiley, Scott, and Charlie get together. Josh and Mr. Varney provided the music for the evening. Here are the Dillon sisters after the dance. That rat BIT me, I tell ya! Here's me and Heather, burning film after the dance.  The whole thing went by too fast!

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