Photos 1999-2003 > Graduation 2000
Before any of us knew it, graduation was upon us.  Until that day in May, it had always seemed like one of those events that would eventually happen ... but not so soon!  The last few weeks of school dwindled down, and everyone became preoccupied with sending out invitations and anticipating the big day. 

Then it came, inside the sweltering Tolsia High School gym.  


A big part of the graduation experience is always Awards Day, a time for everyone to have their talents recognized.  It was pretty formal, but a lot less nerve-wracking and cramped.  I'd say that more than anything, it set the mood for the real deal the following evening. The majority of the pictures we took, however, weren't that exciting, so I scanned a few of the highlights! 

The marquee for awards. The Class of 2000 begins to march into the gymnasium... ...and they continue to do so... ...and here, they STILL are... ;-) My brother got an interesting angle on the back rows at awards, including Stuart.
Joe looks happy with this award, doesn't he? Here's Joe receiving his well-deserved award for baseball. This is me getting one of my awards. One of my many Action Poses caught on film for your enjoyment. Look!  It's another Action Pose from Bret.
The ceremony was so long, we actually had a short intermission, or "stretch break." This is my good ol' mom and dad! Due to a presenter's error, Joe and Lisa were both announced as Clarks.  Did they get married behind our backs? Mr. Mathis, our principal, has been very supportive of our class, and he's always been willing to listen to us when we came to him with a suggestion or problem. Jessina and I finally got our picture taken together, after a few misfires. :)
I look like I'm about to crack up in this picture with Smiley; I wonder what he said? It's the three cousins, together again... although Joe doesn't look too thrilled. Yessir, we're graduating.  
The night before graduation, we had an optional baccalaureate service (unfortunately, I forgot my camera for that).  It touched everyone who attended so deeply that we all decided to get together at Amanda's for a party of sorts.  We laughed, talked, and played cards long enough for everybody to get mad at me. :-)
This was during one of the games of Mao, possibly the one where J.D. called me a . . . Yep, I got the urge to climb one of Amanda's trees that night. Here's Joe, posing heroically. Shawn was there; smiling while we all played cards. Alan took a break from arguing with Lacy so he could eat some pizza.
Lisa had a good time! Shawn looks like he's told Marc some kind of story. Joe and Alan decided to run around Amanda's yard after the card game was over. Here's another shot of us playing the world's best card game, Mao! Amanda, our host, and Lisa sat on the front porch and watched people leave.
There's not much I can add to the general feeling of graduation.  It was very, very hot in the packed gym, and everyone's family was watching.  We crossed that stage one by one and came out as adults on the other side.  It was definitely one of those defining moments in my life.

(Did I mention that it was hot?)


The sign says it all. Graduation was performed before a sell-out crowd in Rebel Arena. Mr. Mathis is speaking here, introducing the platform guests. And, after some ceremony, we got underway... and here's Joe, waiting anxiously to walk across the stage. Amanda came next...
...then Mary, and she definitely looks happy! I wasn't really nervous; I just didn't want to trip or anything. Stuart came down the line, towards the end (he's a W, after all). It's tassel-turning time! The first picture of me as a high school graduate.
And here's my family, who (in more ways than one) made it all possible! Just a few of us graduates hanging around. I had the pleasure of taking Mr. Martin's English 101 and 102 classes during the year. Here we are, best buds. And here's Joe and one of his junior friends, Tiffany!
Danny, my buddy who graduated a few years back, made his way into several pictures. Me and two good friends, Jessica and Beth (who I've gone to church with for years). Kristen, one of my junior friends, and me! Rachel, please hand me my coat... :-) Darrell and I made it through a lot of Mr. Spry's classes together.
Scott Zanders, the one and only, and me.  He was our tassel-turner. Mr. Jackson provided guidance for all of us in the Bible Club through the year. Senor Muncy taught us all a little Spanish. Me and another good buddy, Charlie. Heather and I have been through a lot, from 6th grade on up!
Two cool guys, Joe and Jay. My brother Bart and cousin Rachel pose with me in a picture that sums up our relationships pretty well. (Notice the rabbit-ears?) Nancy's provided me with some of her musical knowledge and talent, and I thank her for it. Annie helped to lead our class into the gym so we wouldn't get lost! Josh (Mr.) Wellman stopped me for a handshake and a chat.

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