Photos > 22nd Birthday Stuff


So, apparently Sarah M. and Gina had been plotting a "surprise" birthday celebration for me for a few weeks. I only started to suspect that something was up when Gina started acting weird, saying things like "you should do what you're told on the Friday night after your birthday." Well, I did, and it turns out some of the gang was already assembled at O'Charley's for a birthday dinner. We played with some Legos at Gerritt's and with some cards at Jen's after that. On Saturday, Jeanette cooked John-Michael and I some dinner, which was delicious. Jeanette, Senna, and Amy also prepared a photo collage of some of my mannerisms, which you can see here. The trifecta of celebrations was completed when my parents came in on Sunday. All in all, it was a fun weekend. Thanks again, everybody!
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